Sunday, 1 April 2012

Of Course, The Thing Is You See, In The Old Days.....

Please click on picture to enlarge. You couldn't do that in the old days!


  1. Trimming the grass- I've had two trimmers, both of which died shortly after purchase. I'm back to the sheep-shearing shears that my dad used to trim. I expect before that, the sheep themselves trimmed the lawn.

    Thanks for the note!

  2. I used to see guys using sycthes when I was a child in UK.. and hubby were listening to Gordon Lightfoot this evening and we thought your voice would sound well with his tunes. Do you sing GL songs?
    Jane x

  3. Ah the good old days. The thing you need to remember is that if they came back you would have to relive everything once more. It makes me shudder. By the way to clean your keyboard try turning it upside down and shaking it like crazy. You will be amazed at what you will find.

  4. If I did this, you would not be able to read my writing, no matter how much you enlarge it!

  5. My family tell me I must get myself a mobile phone but I've managed to get by most of my life without one. I agree technology has taken over. It is however great to be able to make new friends by writing and responding to blogs.

  6. I wish my handwriting was a good! Actually I like modern technology. I mean, without it I would have no blogging friends and I wouldn't have the joy of visiting their blogs.

  7. The old days are good to look back on but really we are embracing the new too. One of the best things ever is Skype. I can see my family on the other side of the world as often as I like and in real time.

  8. A very clever post, John. The good old days were indeed old now, but not certain how good they might have been.

  9. Glad you haven't forgotten how to use a pen, anyhow, John. Your writing is so clear. I would have no readers if I had to write a blog in my own handwriting.

    Which reminds me, I haven't yet written up my diary for yesterday (yes, I keep an old fashioned diary, in a note book. It isn't half a chore having to write it up it's all so s-l-o-w).
