Tuesday, 9 April 2013


Extremely handsome son George's mother Tricia is standing as a candidate in the County Council elections. She has really got into local politics this last year or so, and has a great capacity to bore the hell out of anyone who makes the mistake of listening to her.

I am of course joking. No way is Tricia boring. She has a lot of charisma and should do well in this her first attempt at being elected. She is very likable and I notice how quickly people take to her. Crikey she might even win, wouldn't that be something?
Sorry about the hat, and the jacket, and the jeans, and the polo neck jumper, and those shoes! Just really sorry about the whole look.

I went out with her today helping to deliver some of the thousands of leaflets to prospective voters. Quite a mammoth task but she also has lots of other friends helping.

Tricia and her high visibility leaflet bag.
It is not my favourite job to do but it has its exciting moments. Such as dogs attempting to bite my hand off through the letter box, and some of the letterboxes have springs strong enough to trap a bear. Not to mention some of the miserable buggers who object strongly to anyone brazen enough to enter their front garden, let alone have the temerity to put a leaflet through their door! I have to confess to a small frisson of excitement when an irate householder shouts at me, although as I am wearing the party rosette I have to hold my tongue.  I would love to give them some caustic remarks back, but that wouldn't help Tricia much. It is fun though to tramp across their immaculate front lawn. Yeah I know, I'm bad!
In other words just bugger off!

There were lots of doors with signs on saying things like  no junk mail or no leaflets. I'm afraid I ignored them all. Hey we are trying to save the country here. That leaflet I just delivered ain't no junk! Unless it belongs to any of the other candidates that is.

The prospective candidate.
The most exciting part of the day though was being driven by Tricia in her little blue car, with its racing stripes. When I say exciting I actually mean scary. It is always a joy when any journey in that car ends safely. I am not saying that she is a bad driver. Oh all right yes I am. But please don't tell her I said that. Please!

Here is a little anecdote that will illustrate what I mean. Tricia's daughter Catherine on hearing that her friends got their car insurance up to two hundred pounds cheaper when joined with their mums insurance policies, asked Tricia to please add her to the policy. Two hundred pounds cheaper? No way! It would have made Catherine's insurance Five hundred pounds dearer! So you see what I mean? Anyway Catherine was not impressed.

We tried to get EHS George to help with the leaflet campaign, but he wouldn't. I think he finds the whole idea of being seen delivering them a bit embarrassing. But that isn't all. He certainly doesn't want to be seen in his mum's car, especially when it has got racing stripes on it!

He has gone away to stay with some friends for a few days. I don't think it has anything to do with the leaflet campaign though. Surely not? That would be a bit drastic.!

Tricia is also going to stand in the next general election. That'll mean even more leaflets. Suppose she wins a seat. A member of Parliament in the family. Crikey! Quick George, hide!


  1. Hope you are fast asleep now as it is far too late! Was great catching up! That was really nice of you to help Tricia out with the leaflets. Readers I'm sure would like to see Tricia's sports car.

  2. Best wishes to Tricia on her campaign. Politics can be exciting. When you are delivering fliers, the important thing is to put people at ease and listen to them as you tell them your ideas.

  3. Damn, John, Why did you let Tricia go? She appears to be a very intelligent plus attractive.
    It is nice to see you have a supportive relationship. That's a plus.

  4. You looked great, every inch the part of a leaflet distributor. Wishing Tricia good luck in her campaign. With you helping out it should go well. I have one of those notices at my house... well, you get fed up with all those circulars and double glazing sellers...lol.

  5. 25 years ago I got into the politics of our homeowners association, never again it is a thankless job.

  6. What party is it John? Not familiar with the purple colour.

    1. UKIP Dave. United Kingdom Independence Party.

  7. It's so good of you to help Trish out with her campaigning...I hope that things go well for her.
    Just to let you know, my letterbox has a spring that could trap a bear, so be careful.

  8. Good luck to her in the election. Grass roots politics is politics at its best.

  9. We don't have letterboxes here,and the mail box is patrolled by real bears...the only people who seem to get through are Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Jane x

  10. You are very brave to take on politics in any form. Tricia looks like she'll be a winner, though.

  11. Best of luck to Tricia in her campaign. I'm sure EHS George's staying with friends has nothing to do with the leaflet campaign :)
