Thursday, 17 May 2012

Holed On Tu Yor Dreems

Rytin is deaf inaytlee in my blud. It is sumfin I awl wais wan ted to do. That is wy I liek blogin. I rimembur a teechur lukin at a esay wot I rote. He wus veri imp rest becos He shuk hes hed and sed, thatis remarcaball. Froum that momend on I wus houkt on it. An that is wi I am sutch a gud riter today. I fink the seecred is to reed day lot and awl wais if yuo donut no wat awurd meens luk it up in a dichshonerry. Keyp a kerfool ei on yor grama, and awl wais reed fru wot you hav ritton.
I awl wais wantid to be a Inggelish teechur. I wud hav been gud at it but sadlee it wus nort to be. Neva mynd. Sosiettys los is yur gayn.
Gud luk wiv yor ambichuns. Neva giv up luk ware I am tuday. Awl so rimembur spelcheka can be a grey telp if yu ar nort shor of a wurd. Mi spelcheka is not wurk in tuday.
Mo sting por tent keyp ritin.


  1. Very amusing. As a former English classroom teacher, I appreciate the whimsy in this post.

  2. Fanks Jonn, thys woz a poste wot reely spok two mee. I wyshh u add bin me Inglish teecha.
    Jane x

  3. I love, love your blog, We've just sat here and had a good laugh. Thanks for that.

  4. I wonder if there is some sort of widespread virus going on because my spelcheka didn't seem to be working properly either

  5. Oh you make me laugh at first I thought I was somewhere I did not know then I figured it out. Clever John. :) B

  6. Oh, that made my head spin. When I was in high school, a friend and I wrote letters similar to that to our favorite teacher. We were Clerow and Leroy, two young African American boys. They were done very charming but today's standards might consider them as stereotyping. Who knows, maybe I'll blog them some day.

  7. I agree with Emma, John...don't do this again cause I'm still stuck :-(

  8. Marie is a substitute teacher. She says after a day of proofreading 4th grade essays she has no idea how to spell anything. Hey, why no link to your sketch blog?
