Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Bluebells And Blues.

You won't believe this. Or perhaps you will, but I have messed my computer up again. Lost all my files. Lost everything. Trouble is I have clicked on things. Well it told me to so I did. Luckily everything is backed up onto a memory stick. At least I hope it is.
We found an orchid. This is my favourite picture of Mia.
My friend John is coming to sort things out again on Friday, and he is going to give me a few computer lessons too. Hopefully I will understand what he teaches me.
My favourite picture of Mia.

Young people find it difficult to understand why older people find computers so confusing. To be honest with you I find it difficult to understand my smart phone, and here's an admittance; I suspect that even my TV remote is capable of far more than I know.
My favourite picture of Mia.

I have never been good at mathematics, and I think computers must come from the same route.

My favourite picture of Mia.
Oh well onwards and upwards as they say. At least I can cope with most things I need to know. I have managed to upload - with difficulty - some pictures for you, from a walk in the woods yesterday. I hope you like them.

My favourite picture of Mia.
My favourite picture of Mia.


  1. I sometimes take it for granted when I'm teaching the fogetten gen with computers. Not sure it comes from a maths route, since I'm a rubbish at maths. I think a lot of it comes down to confidence 9 out of 10 times imo.

  2. Ask your friend how to alter the caption on the bottom of the photo's, they are all the same. lol
    (only joking)

  3. Your favorite picture of Mia is also my favorite picture of Mia. As far as the computer goes, you must remember that this is all science fiction to us. Remember when Dick Tracy's bunch used two-way wrist radios? Remember when Flash Gordon flew a rocket in outer space? Remember when UniVac, that huge computer, could be fed keypunched cards to calculate mathematical problems in order to spit out another punched card that would be deciphered to give us an answer? All science fiction. And look at us communicating almost instantly across the ocean by way of personal computers. Our generation has seen many wondrous happenings that were once considered to be impossible if they were even considered at all.

  4. I'm having trouble picking out my favourite picture of Mia. It might help if she wasn't so beautiful.

    I too cannot understand why older people find computers confusing... smiles.

  5. I'm only unclear on one thing. I wish you would tell us which is your favorite picture of Mia ;-)
