Sunday, 6 March 2016

The Little Gay Hen Wagon.

Did I show you the hen wagon I made? I can't remember. My short-term memory is playing tricks with me. I don't think it's alzheimers -if that's how it's spelled. At least I hope it's not. Alzheimers I mean, not how it's spelled. Do you write spelled or spelt? I think they are both okay but I prefer spelled.  Do you put okay or OK? I am never sure which is right.

My mum had alzheimers but it came on very late in her life. My dear friend Jenny too. It stole the last fifteen years of her life. I think medical science has made some good progress with regards to it. There is hope.

I try to keep my brain-cells active, what with my art and writing and playing guitar. Last week I started learning French on-line. I just wish there was someone to practice it with. I shall have to look into it. Join a club maybe? Why French. I don't know. To be honest I wish I had started with Italian. I love Italian. Too late now. But je ne regret rien. I am not going to unlearn what little French I have learned. Do you say learned or learnt? I think both are okay, OK.

What was I talking about? Oh yes, the hen wagon. I made it earlier this year... No I didn't... I made it last year. In late summer. Or was it early summer?
The Little Gay Hen Wagon.

It looks like it was made last century don't you think? Completely intentional I assure you. I made it with stuff I had lying around the place. It is built on an old... What do you call it? Those things that get towed by cars...? Trailer that's it. That big old wagon wheel is just for show. It's only leaning against it. I only painted it last week though. Just with some old paint I had in the shed. It cheers the place up a bit. I am thinking of painting more stuff around here with gay colours. The showman's wagon looks in a bit of a state at the moment. The roof needs repairing again. It's covered with a tarpaulin at the moment. When the roof is sorted I shall paint the wagon again. I am thinking of yellow and green but I could change my mind again.

I am wondering now if it is right to call it The Little Gay Hen Wagon? Perhaps it should be called the Gay Little Hen Wagon? Although the hens are not gay colours. They are a rusty brown. It is a quandary. I shall stick with my first thought.

I hope you are well. Everyone here is fine. My Extremely Handsome Son George is coming home tomorrow. I don't know how long he will be staying. I forgot to ask him.


  1. The little hen house reminds me of the gypsy wagons.

  2. I have studied words all my life and favor the emergence of "OK" to the folk etymology derived from "Oll Korrect". Writing out "Okay" seems to defeat the purpose of the original abbreviation --but it's oll ok with me. I really like your cheerful chicken coop too. Nice work, John!

  3. If you paint your whole place I would love to see a picture. I think your showman's wagon is so ingenious. Now I think the little gay hen wagon is just as ingenious.

  4. Lovely. I think you could move into the little gay hen wagon while you refurbish the showmans wagon. Just enough room for a bed for you and Mia. Say hello to George for me, I like to hear news of his university studying. Has he got signed up by a BIG club yet?

  5. OK is okay with me! Oh, and I love the new wagon. Does Mia like it? You're right to keep your brain active, although what's a little memory loss among friends?!
