Thursday, 19 December 2013

Oh No, Not Another Post About Mia The German Shepherd!

Last night I thought I would try to impress Mia the German Shepherd with one of my many talents. Obviously there is still some way to go with her training. Adoration and hero worship are difficult skills for a dog to learn.


  1. What an adorable dog! And even if your music is not her cup of tea, she listens politely. I can tell she is already crazy about you. Wonderful! Happy Christmas!

  2. Mia seemed totally unimpressed until you spoke to her. I love the way she cocks her head when she is listening to you. She will be answering you in no time at all.

  3. Mia...'If he'd only listen I could tell him that the sinner man had turned into a flea on my hindquarters...still, he'll learn in time to understand me...just a bit if training...'

  4. Oh John, that is the cutest thing ever........Mia is an adorable lady...thanks for putting a smile on my face tonight.

  5. She is gorgeous. Looking forward to meeting her.

  6. That dog is really intelligent... I love the way Mia listened intently to what you had to say... even if the music didn't have the same effect... grins. She is learning fast, though, who knows she might help with the composing before long.

  7. Very cute. Hey, she didn't try to sing along? She's clearly trying to figure out the strange being she has been selected to live with.
