Here are some pics of what I have been up to lately. The stool was made from a lump of very heavy timber. I don't know what type of wood it is. I made the back and legs from an old dining room chair. I added the old penny as an afterthought. It is a 1918 penny and as it is now 2018 I thought it was a good idea. Doing this made me think of the 1914/1918 war. A little personal remembrance.
The chair back was too broken to retain the original shape so I cut the broken bits out and inserted some new wood. It is a different shape but it works I think. When I was a kid most shops had a chair for customers to sit whilst they waited to be served. Often the chair would have an advert on it. These were known as advertising chairs. Today they are rare. So, I put an advert on this one. A bit of a play on words. I doubt such a shop existed with this name but I am aiming for a particular market with this one.
I am still waiting to hear about the psychiatric assessment I have to undergo. I am still waiting for my appointment to be arranged to have my heart scan. I have been feeling really under the weather lately. I thought the beta blockers were not helping me. In fact I thought they were contributing to my low moods so I phoned the doctor and asked if it was okay to stop taking them. He said yes, so I have stopped them. I hate tablets!
I have received an interim payment regarding childhood trauma. Not a life changing amount but it has enabled me to pay off all the debts that have been hanging over me for years. This is a wonderful feeling. No longer do I have to pay more than half my pension out every month to the bank. Of course these debts were self inflicted. I thought they would follow me to the grave. But once again my belief that 'the Lord will provide' has saved me. Perhaps I ought to start really believing in Him? It was 68 years ago when I was put into care. The whole situation seems almost unbelievable.
Here are some more pics of things I have been making and mending. I bought the chest at a car boot sale, did it up a bit and decided to paint a couple of naive pictures on it. I think it has polished up well.
The little chair is intended for a child or to display a doll on.
If you click on the pictures they will enlarge.
That's it for now. I hope you are well. Thank you for being there.