Monday, 7 October 2013

Sadie The German Shepherd Is Unwell.

My lovely friend and loyal companion, Sadie the German Shepherd is very unwell. Today our usual walk across the fields to the village shop came to an abrupt halt after just a couple of hundred yards when she suddenly collapsed to the ground unable to carry on.
Although she still got excited at the prospect of a walk, this last week she has just got slower and slower, but I put this down to her old age. These slow walks suited me too because I am having trouble with walking myself. In my case claudication, or as it is usually known, hardening of the arteries. This was diagnosed in me two years ago, but walking with Sadie has helped me keep it at bay. However until today we both still managed to do a couple of miles a day.
After a bit of gentle persuasion I managed to get her home again, but those few hundred yards took us about an hour.
Sod's law managed to find that my vehicle is off the road at the moment, but my good neighbour Steve came to our rescue and took Sadie and me to the vet.
Just a few weeks ago Sadie the German Shepherd was in rude good health.
Sadie's tummy is swollen and hard. The vet says it is caused by fluid. He drained some off and there was blood in it. It is being sent for tests. He suspects a tumour. Tomorrow Sadie is having a three or four hour 'procedure' to drain her tummy of this fluid and then the vet will be better able to see what's what.
She has been prescribed diuretic tablets in the meantime. This will hopefully make her feel more comfortable tonight. She hasn't eaten all of her dinner these last few days and tonight she has left some in her dish, but at least she is still eating.
As I write she is asleep and snoring gently in her bed. I take this as a good sign, At least she isn't in pain.
I will keep you informed about her condition.


  1. We suffer when our dear pets and friends suffer. My best wishes for a recovery for Sadie.

  2. oh I'm so sorry to hear about Sadie. I'll be sending good thought and extra prayers for her

  3. Sorry to hear your loyal friend is poorly. We become particularly attached to our animal friends. Hope Sadie recovers and has a bit more in her yet!

  4. Oh John, so sorry to hear about Sadie not doing too well. I am sure that your vet will do everything in his power to make her well again, so that you two can go on being there for each other.
    Please give her a head rub from Brownie and me and tell her to get better soon.

  5. Oh dear, I don't know what to say. I can't bear seeing animals poorly. They are usually so strong. I'm praying that the vet can do something to ease her suffering. God bless her.

  6. I am so sad to read this, I hope the vet can do something for her. Lots of love xxx

  7. This is heartbreaking to hear and I'm sure it's very upsetting for you. Hopefully Sadie will recover and be able to go on future walks.

  8. Sorry to hear about your misfortune. A pet's illness is very difficult; I"ve yet to replace a beloved golden retriever that passes away 7 years ago.

    I do hope she recovers.

  9. Let's hope the procedure makes the sweet girl more comfortable.

  10. So sorry to read about both I of you. Hope things get better.

  11. Oh dear! Poor Sadie. I hope you get good news, but sadly we usually outlive our animals.

  12. So sorry to hear this John. Kids and pets; the loves of our lives--and it hurts just the same when they are in pain.

  13. Poor lady. I hope she's more comfortable.
