Saturday, 18 July 2020

Vlog. Number 1

Maybe I will start doing more vlogging?


  1. Hi John brilliant job it was lovely seeing you relaxed and puss sitting on the back of your chair. You did look and sound a little down but that could just be because that's the way I feel at the moment. I understand what you mean with lots going around in your head. I also agree about staying away from Doctors unless of course there is a real emergency in which case you would call 111 or 999 Ambulance. Pray that is never needed. I dont believe in all these pills cause more problems with side effects which leads to more pills to counteract that i guess you have had that happen some where along the way. Well John stay well be careful out on your bike stay safe cant wait to see your next video. Would be lovely if you could get BEAUTIFUL "Mia" in the next one which i very much look forward to.
    God Bless🦋

  2. I enjoyed your vlog. You mentioned that your mind was all over the place. My mind immediately wondered what an abstract painting from your mind would look like. Anyway I look forward to your next vlog. In case you aren't back before then Happy Birthday. As you might remember mine is shortly after yours. Even though you are a few days older than me I still feel like your big sister.
