How long does a blog go on? Well, I suppose as long as one has the will to keep doing it, and I haven't lately. Or, is it until I pop my clogs?
I don't tend to get out and about much these days so I am not meeting new people or being inspired by new events like I used to.
I don't know why I have stopped going out and about. Except to say I get worried about it. I may have good intentions of going to let's say an open mic night at the pub but then as the day draws on and the time approaches to go I begin to make excuses to myself as to why I can't go. Eventually having tidied myself up and got my decent clothes on I don't go. Madness isn't it? Especially when you consider that I know I will enjoy myself if I do get there. In my usual long-winded way this is me explaining why my blog gets neglected. What have I got to say that you might want to hear? That's the problem at the moment.
I haven't painted for a couple of weeks either. Same thing. Can't be bothered. This is the last one I did before Christmas. It sold straightaway. Always nice when that happens. I have had a request for another donkey painting too.
I have been playing my guitar a lot. A helluva lot. I am trying to learn finger-picking the way the old country blues guitarists used to play. My seventy year old fingers are getting nicely calloused. I have taken up this finger-picking to challenge my brain to learn a new skill. I thought at one time I was probably too old to learn new stuff. Then I read somewhere that the human brain can keep learning and growing new cells until well into the nineties!
Mia the German Shepherd cut a pad on her foot nearly two weeks ago now. It was a bad cut. Needed twelve stitches. Been to the vet several times since but it is taking its time healing. Tomorrow (Saturday) I am hopeful it will have healed and we can get back to our walks.
Mia at the vets. |
Mia having her bandage applied. She was very well behaved. |
Mia back at home. |
My new 'old' guitar. |
Bonnie the Ginger Cat. |
I have made myself another guitar. I made it out of bits and pieces of broken guitars. What I wanted to achieve was a vintage look and feel. That old look was obtained by a paint effect. The inserts in the neck are mother-of-pearl given to me by my extremely handsome son George. I am pleased with the result and it sounds pretty good too.