My Uncle Fergie who was a cook on the North Sea trawlers used to stick a whole cabbage in a pot and boil it. Tasted all right to me, and as he used to say, the maggots added extra protein. Don't suppose he'd ever heard of a julienne cutter.
Life was so much simpler in the old days, and that's a fact!
Uncle Fergie would shove a whole load of carrots in with the cabbage too, and onions. Never used to bother peeling anything. Course in those days vegetables used to have mud on them. Uncle Fergie said the mud was full of minerals and shouldn't be washed off.
Never knew a trawlerman to get food poisoning. This might have been due to the amount of alcohol they drank, but mostly it was because they built up immunity due to eating food that wasn't too over prepared.
Uncle Fergie's food tasted great. I reckon he was a culinary genius in the galley. Makes Jamie Oliver look like a right poof. Am I allowed to say that? And that Gordon Ramsey? Tough guy? Well Uncle Fergie would kick his arse no bother.
I just can't picture Uncle Fergie cutting vegetables into strips in the teeth of a force 10 North Sea gale.
Anyway I think I shall carry on using a knife. What was I thinking?