Thursday, 19 September 2013

A Facebook Status

Due to some accommodation problems my extremely handsome son George's start to university life in Liverpool has not gone too smoothly, However I think the situation has now been resolved. He will move to new 'digs' next week. I will be writing more on the subject soon.

It isn't only this blog I have been absent from I haven't been on facebook for a while either but today I put this status up, and thought I would just share it with you, to let you know I am still about.

Had a lovely walk and catch up with my friend Samantha today. We went to Bury Hill and walked with Sadie the German Shepherd and Ned the Border collie along the Monarchs Trail. A nice warmish day for it.

I hadn't seen Sam for a couple of weeks and remarked that I thought she had lost weight. She told me she hadn't but explained that she looked a bit thinner because she hadn't washed her hair! Only a woman could come up with an explanation like that me thinks. I didn't bother trying to understand what the hell she meant because being a woman she would probably have a perfectly reasonable explanation and that would only have confused me even more!

Anyway it did get me thinking. I need to lose a bit of weight, so I have decided not to wash my hair (what there is left of it) for a few days! You never know, after all women are always right. So look out for the new slimline me.

There was a slight problem when our walk began. Apparently she could feel something touching her bottom! It definitely wasn't me! In fact I was walking just ahead of her. On investigation it turned out that a strap from her coat was hanging down and I spent a few minutes trying to sort it out for her. Too long it seems because she suddenly decided I had spent far too long looking at her bottom. Anyway she decided to try and ignore the problem and we went on our way, albeit with her mentioning the errant strap every once in a while. It must be awful to have something constantly banging against ones backside!

After a while something distracted me from Samantha's backside. Something I have never seen in all my 36 years. We were met with clouds of butterflies for almost the entire walk. Namely the Speckled Wood butterfly. I have never seen this particular butterfly in such profusion before and it really made this walk special. There were hundreds of them settled on the trail and as the dogs loped along the butterflies rose up in fluttering clouds. Absolutely wonderful and such a good sign that there is hope for nature.

So a good walk and I learned some things: Don't wash your hair if you want to lose weight. Speckled Wood butterflies are doing OK in the ecology, and women's bottoms look good in those black leggings as long as they are not too fat!

EHS George is home for a long weekend I picked him up from the station just an hour ago. It is so good to have him home.

I will be back soon. Have a lovely weekend.


  1. If EHS George has only the one problem at school he is way ahead of the game. It sounds like you and Samantha had a wonderful walk. I envy you being able to walk among the butterflies. It must have been quite an experience.

  2. Instructive and delightful post, John. Hair, butterflies, women's bottoms --got it! I shall take more walks.

  3. Sorry things hit a snag in the housing department. It's a hard time for kids as it is. Today is my turn, we take our daughter this afternoon. Sigh. Glad you got out for a nice walk, it sounded pretty special. I may have to try the not washing my hair trick....

  4. Har har- Be careful about how long you look at a bottom, though. Short glances are flirty, staring is rude and perverted. (just a hint)

  5. John thanks for all the helpful info in this post, even if a bit of it will not be useful to everyone. Hope that EHS George enjoys his new digs at university.

  6. Glad you enjoyed your walk....sounds lovely.
