Monday 6 August 2012

My 65th Party Video.

This is a link to the youtube video of my party made by my friend Vicki. It is about 10 minutes long. I hope you enjoy it and that it gives you some sense of the happy occasion of my 65th birthday bash.


  1. John, Thanks for terrific vid! Happy Birthday.

  2. And Many More...Great video John and what a memorable night surrounded by so many great people. That's living!

  3. I'm sure it was a great one! Just way too far for me to come, but I hope you felt my participation.

  4. I want that guy on the blues guitar to play at my birthday party!
    Thanks for sharing your birthday party with us, but I feel I need to have an alcoholic beverage to somehow make it more authentic, am I right? :-)

  5. It seems that you did not need me to liven your party. It looks like everyone had a good time. I especially like the variety of music and musicians.

  6. I loooooved the live entertainment, and I knew most of the songs too.
    Looks as if a good time was had by all.
    Happy 65th and may you live to see many more.

  7. Thanks to your friend, Vicki, for taking this video of your great birthday celebration and thanks for sharing, John.

  8. You are so blessed John, it brought a tear to my eye.
