Tuesday 17 July 2012

Always Choose Your Words Carefully.

Well good gracious me! I am quite frankly shocked and appalled, that an innocent, and harmless little blog post could be construed in such a shameful way. Yes, you know what I mean! I am referring to my birthday party erection in the paddock.. It is not often these days that I have an erection like that and when I realised how sturdy it looked, naturally I wanted to share the pleasure with you. That is all I was trying to do. I really am so innocent and naive in these matters. However I will concede, after looking up the word erection in my dicktionery, that there are other meanings. Although oddly enough, the one that most people thought of, was the last meaning in the dicktionery. I shall have to choose my words more carefully in future, and that is going to make it much, much, harder. Pardon the pun. Completely unintended I assure you.

I am not nearly clever enough to put my party on the internet. I wish I was. But I shall make sure that lots of photos are taken to show you. Though why you would want to see a lot of people falling over drunk is beyond me.

Just to be serious for a moment. I have not been able to get around to leaving comments on your blog as often as normal. I apologise for this, but as some of you will know, I have begun to write my best selling book. It takes a lot of time. A lot of which is spent staring at a blank screen, and another lot of which is spent trying to work out how to work the word processor. It is not easy writing a book. I keep thinking, oh I wish I had said this, or I should have mentioned that. I then go back to the relevant page, make the correction and then find myself rewriting far more than I intended.
Please forgive me if I don't comment, but I am still reading you and I absolutely love to know you are there.

That's it for now. Tricia and extremely handsome son George texted a while ago to tell me they are on their way home from holiday. I have missed them.

By the way I do know how to spell dictionary. I was being naughty when I wrote dicktionary back there. What am I like eh?

Oh hold on a minute. That sounds like Tricia and George now. That was quick. I wonder if they have got me a present?

Yes they have. this is my nice new smock. I love it. Unfortunately I couldn't find anyone to take a photo of me wearing it. However, this old balding bloke agreed to model it for me. That was kind of him. Doesn't it look good on me, er, him?


  1. Oh Dear, I do apologize for reading between the lines, it must have been the large glass of wine I was drinking that forced me to write such a comment! ;;D

    Tell the old balding bloke he looks very handsome in his new smock.

  2. Innocent and naive? Ooookay. I know you are glad to have your family back.

  3. Do forgive me for misinterpreting your previous post. I don't know where my mind was that day :)
    Very handsome smock.

  4. Smiles from across the miles.

  5. I don't understand. What was it people misconstrued? I've led a very sheltered life. Perhaps someone could explain it to me.

  6. I think you read too much into the replies John. I feel sure people were simply expressing their delight at the grand erection you are providing to keep the ladies happy at your party. It is a fine thing to provide a structure like this that stands independant of other buildings. Many people could have only provided this VIA GRAnd extensions to existing structures.

  7. That smock looks a bit large on you, have you lost weight? Maybe I should invest in larger clothes.

  8. Happy belated Birthday to you. Happy to hear that you are writing a book, I dream of doing that someday too but never get the courage and not sure what to write but I love writing. Will visit again when time permits.

  9. You look fab in that smock... blue suits you. Holding an on-line part is easy... your followers pretend they're there in real life and bring all sorts of lovely gifts. All you have to do is lay on the food and drink and look good.

  10. Hope the party and the erection goes well. Are you wearing your smock?

  11. File under Need to Know---
    My only question is this, "Will you be continuing your onging 'intercourse' with bloggers this week?

  12. Great smock! Will you begin painting soon? LOL
