I'm in bed right now so this is being done on the laptop, or thinkpad to give it it's right name. There is a problem with this machine occasionally. What happens is that the cursor jumps about when I'm not looking and the script turns up in all sorts of wrong places on the page. This happens because I can only type when looking at the keyboard, so I tend to only look up at the screen when I remember to. It can be really annoying. Why I am telling you this, I don't know, and I bet you don't care either. I mean, why should you care? It's my problem if I neglected to learn touch typing at secretarial college.
Actually I wasn't at secretarial college. Good job too. I mean me, with my looks, let loose among all those aspiring secretaries? Blimey O'Riley!
There was a time I seem to recall, when all girls wanted to be either a nurse or a secretary, both careers which seemed to carry a certain cachet attached to them. Oh and I just thought of another job that girls aspired too; window dressers. It's all coming back to me now. Ambitious shop assistants always dreamed of eventually becoming a window dresser. I almost forgot to mention hairdressers. I went out with a couple of hairdressers. Not at the same time. Though if memory serves me right there was time when two young ladies and I.....
For young men it was a wonderful thing to be able to say you were going out with a secretary, or a nurse, or a window dresser. Had a much nicer ring to it than saying you were going out with the girl who worked in Woolworths - although I did go out with a couple of the girls who worked there - or the local fishmongers shop - I dallied a little there too. Come too think of it, I do believe they had aspirations to become window dressers. Apart from the fishmongers assistant, who wanted to be a nun. That's the impression she gave me on our dates anyway. Not that I personally was snobbish about who I went out with you understand. Let's be honest here, after three months at sea it is a very saintly young man who is able to refuse a date with any young woman, even if she does look like the back end of a bus! Those are not my words by the way. I could never be so disparaging about the fairer sex. Besides, some of the buses in those days had lovely bodywork, whether you looked at them from the front or the back!
If a bloke was going out with a nurse, he earned massive respect from his mates. Because we all knew that nurses knew all about sex. In fact it was said that nurses saw so many naked men in the course of their working day, that by the time they went off duty they were absolutely gagging for it. This may well just have been an old wives tale. Unfortunately I never went out with any nurses, so was unable to test the theory out for myself. When I say I never went out with a nurse, that is not strictly true, because I did date a psychiatric nurse once. She didn't count though because she didn't get to deal with naked men all day, so obviously never got aroused in the same way an ordinary nurse did. When I say she never got aroused I mean when she was at work. Naturally when she was with me, well of course...........
Well it is getting late and I still can't think of a thing to write about. Maybe I will be more inspired tomorrow?
Good night. God bless.
I think I may have figured out why your cursor jumps. I have the same problem. The pad that takes the place of the mouse gets in my way. I believe that I hover over it too closely or maybe too long and it causes the gremlins inside to attack. That is what I believe. I do not know if it is actually what happens.
ReplyDeleteMy experiences with nurses is nowhere near as vivid as yours although secretaries are hot numbers. Maybe you were barking up the wrong tree!
ReplyDeleteAnd teachers, thats another job they want to do! (my wife is a teacher and I quite often get told off like a child!)
ReplyDeleteDo you use a wireless mouse on your thinkpad? If so you need to turn off the mouse 'pad'. Having both on makes the cursor jump about.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was the other way round with nurses, they saw so much male nakedness they didn't want to see any in their own time ....grins.
I wanted to be a nurse or a teacher when I was younger. When I was a 15, I volunteered in a hospital and that was the end of nursing aspirations. I guess I eventually ended up as a teacher, I spent the last few years as a trainer for other bankers.
ReplyDeleteHere you go, being all funny again.
ReplyDeletethought about being a secretary when I got out of high school but after several interview where I was told they wanted someone with experience I finally gave up
ReplyDeleteAre you sure you were really uninspired John? That was a great ramble of a post.
ReplyDeleteJohn, if you were feeling uninspired it surely did not show in this post.
ReplyDeleteI think seeing naked men all day would be something less than arousing.