Monday 4 February 2013

Sadie The German Shepherd Has Something To Say.

The sun was out today, and there was warmth in it. Sadie the German Shepherd and I were pleased about that.

This is Sadie's reaction to the prospect of a walk. Mind you she acts like this whatever the weather.


  1. Now that put a big smile on my face, she was beside herself with joy at the thought of a walk. Great video John.

  2. That was smashing, she's a lovely dog.

  3. Sadie, I cannot believe that silly man asked if you wanted to go for a walk. What sort of fool question is that? You indulge him so.

  4. Sadie my dear, I feel exactly the same way about a walk. So nice to see you in action today.

  5. Oh I loved seeing Sadie all excited, but John she must have been cussing you all the while telling you to put the camera away and get going for the walk.

  6. Oh come on now, where is the footage of her dragging you through the woods during your "walk?"

  7. I want one of those! I have doggy envy!

  8. That was flippin' adorable! How old is she? Our dog is 12 and still gets pretty excited about her morning walk but can't jump around like much anymore. I love to watch joyful dogs.

  9. Wow, quitcha talking and take that doggie for a walk. What does she have to do. My dogs talk to me like that when we get ready to walk. I am going to have to take a video one day.

  10. Heehee ask a silly question. I'm grinning ... and remembering.
