Thursday 27 October 2011

Beware. Grumpy Old Man.

Isn't it odd the effect one ill thought out remark from a friend can have? I am consumed by grumpiness today because of such a remark, and I have determined never to speak to the person who made it, ever again. I mean that. I am so stubborn. Once my mind is made up, that's it. No way will I change my mind. Never! Not in a month of Sunday's.

Silly isn't it? I know that. I also know that this bad mood will pass as quickly as it arrived. I also know that the person who made the remark, is probably totally unaware of it's effect on me. But leave me alone, to enjoy my grumpy moment, please. They don't occur too frequently these days, and I want to wallow in my misery for a while longer.

We all do it I would think, make unthinking comments. It is impossible to spend too long thinking before we speak. Blimey! If we were to mind our P's and Q's all the time the art of conversation would surely die.
I do it. Used to do it a lot when I was younger. Not so much these days, but I'm sure it still happens occasionally. As I say, sometimes we are not even aware of it.

That's better! Got that off my chest. Now I am off to give my friend a hug. She, or he, I'm not saying, will perhaps wonder why they are being hugged. I shall tell them it's because I like them.

Now you lot, cheer up! Honestly my mood has lifted. I didn't mean to bring you down with me. I like you. I really do. I like you a lot.


  1. how could one not be cheery looking at that happy face. This made me laugh

  2. John you are a hoot. Glad your mood lifted.
    Hey...I really like your header photo! It would make a great wallpaper...hint...hint.:)

  3. I love reading your blogs, John! They give me a lift! Always entertaining and witty. Glad all is now well with the world! Thanks for coming on my run. A long distance runner once, I am intrigued. Did you see the light!

  4. I do try to be tactful so as not to upset anyone. I'm glad you turned a gloomy face into a cheerful one in record time. How do you manage to capture a spider's web so well... my attempts have always ended in failure.

  5. Thats the boy, forget and forgive and it puts a smile on your face. However, it is not a bad idea to tell your friend that they hurt your feelings with such a remark and it will help them realise to be more sensitive in that area and not do it again.

  6. I love the photos. Poor, pitiful, hurt John and then joyous, happy, ready-to-face-the-day John. Even your photography is artistic.

  7. I used to be pretty sensitive myself and often take what people say to heart and let it bother me for a long time. I hope that as I'm getting older I can let things slide off my back more. Glad you're feeling better and go give that hug!

  8. I understand having grumpy thoughts, the very same kind you were having. I have them very frequently myself. Sometimes I think I'm too sensitive about things, but sometimes I'm just angry at someone. It always passes for me too. Right now I think it's sometimes good to be in a dark mood. Then we all feel so much better when we come out of it.

  9. No one thinks before he/she speaks nowadays, since we live in this technology age. One blink and we will miss all tweets and facebook updates from hundreds of friends :-)

    Glad you feel better though, and I saw that your signature is up, woo hoo...

  10. Well I have some of those days too, and when I was younger the grumpy days stays longer. Now I take it as if a teacher is teaching me something. Happy blogging

  11. I know just how you feel. Sometimes I'm cut down really bad, and then I realize the other person doesn't have a clue how I reacted to what they said. Glad you are smiling again.

  12. that was a really cute post. I liked the way you went about it, tying it in with your current moods.

  13. Me too! Lil' things bother more that the biggies. At least it seems that way.

  14. I love it you are very funny.Or I hate it you are so not funny. Everyone has two sides. :) B
