Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Is This Spring?

The sun is bright in a clear blue sky, and there is warmth there too. It is far too nice to be sitting inside writing so I am going out. I hope the day is good where you are.

Here is a quick poem in lieu of a decent blog post.

A pair of Buzzards soaring high
On a thermal in the clear blue sky

Nah I can't write today. It's far too nice out there. Sadie the German Shepherd and I are off for a walk. See you later


  1. Do enjoy your day John....I can sense your happiness from all the way over here.

  2. It is indeed a beautiful day.

  3. It is a beautiful day here too, Mr BC and I are well, and could take the dogs for a walk, except the corgi, Gwennie has sprained her knee and walks with a hobble and a hop. One day we will all be well.

  4. Lucky you. We have a little snow and a lot of wind.

  5. I dont blame you, its been a beautiful day here too.

  6. I think it's a delightful poem!

  7. When it's nice, always choose out. We'll still be here when you come in.
