Sunday 5 February 2012

What A Naughty Man!

There was a bit of a surprise waiting for me today when I checked to see how my blog was doing. The readership had almost doubled overnight. Fantastic! Until I worked out the reason why.

Maybe it is just the way my mind works, but I can only put it down to the fact that I had used the word cock in the title, and there were photo's of two cocks also. Some people, looking for certain websites might have got the wrong end of the stick!

There must have been quite a few disappointed readers yesterday. I doubt very much if they hung around when they discovered the innocence of it however. Nobody made the decision to become a follower either. Oh well! Never mind, at least it made my stats look good.

Sunny Jim and his sister at three days old. A nice reminder of last Summer.
As a consequence though, I have found myself thinking of ways in which to get 'innocent' rude words into forthcoming titles. I know I'm being naughty, thinking along these sort of lines, but it's not as simple as it sounds. I can't think of anything at the moment. My innuendo brain has switched itself off.

You wouldn't do anything like this to increase your readership would you? But don't you think it might be fun to try? Oh go on, I dare you!


  1. LOL a similar thing happened to me ages ago & it seems to be only something I can do accidentally

    enjoying catching up with your blog

  2. I had a post title called 'stockings and garters' disappointing for some was about knitting.
    Jane x

  3. keywords can attract an audience. I was looking at my stats the one day and noticed the search that brought people to my blog some of them were rather crazy.

  4. Ha! I'm thinking of friend blogger Dick Stone. Wonder if his dickstersrandomthoughts does well all the time?

  5. Well now, I really shouldn't be thinking like this but it's all your fault. Now, what words can I incorporate into a blog that mainly deals with cats and needlework.
    I hope I don't p**** my finger, maybe ???
    I can think of a lot more but I must stop, the pc spies might be watching in and I don't want to be removed. lol
