It was last Tues.... or was it Wednes...? No no I was right first time, it was Tuesday. I decided that I would live to be one hundred years old. The very thought of this gave me a tremendous lift, because it occurred to me that I still have eight years to go until I'm seventy five. This means of course that I still have another eight years to go until I have completed three quarters of my life. How absolutely marvellous! I still have thirty three years to go. One can achieve an awful lot in thirty three years.
The other marvellous thing is, if I don't make it to a hundred years, it won't matter. I shan't be in the least concerned. Because I'll be dead! It's an absolutely win win situation.
Actually, thinking about it a bit more, it was Wednesday, because Tuesday I had the dentist. Yes definitely Wednesday. Definitely!
Oh hang on....Was it Monday the dentist?